Welcome to the home page for the interactive blog on the Robert Noland book, Believe Become Be. I think we will see some good things happen here over the next few months! For those who are participating, let me give you some basic instructions in case you are a bit of a techno-Luddite.
Each week, I will post an introductory comment for the chapter. All you need to do is to click on the Comment button at the top or bottom of each posting that you want to comment on. This will allow you to post a response of your thoughts, reflections and reactions.
Ground rules:
1. We are all at different stages in our walk with Jesus and with the material presented by Noland. We may think we have one chapter mastered, but then the next one sucker punches us (Noland tends to write that way, which is why he is so effective in ministering to men!). We all have our vices and none of us is perfect.
2. Understand that it is OK to disagree with each other in love and without offense. None of us have this all figured out, so the more open we can be with our struggles, the more we will get out of this.
3. I suggest using our first names only when posting so others who are not within our group cannot identify who, exactly, is writing.
4. The beauty of a blog is that you can comment at anytime of the day you want; you are not limited to thinking of something to say within a few seconds.
5. You can comment as often as you wish on anyone else's posting. The more we engage with each other, the better.
6. Try to interact regularly. This is how relationships are made. We get to know each other through our postings, so if you make hardly any or just superficial postings, we won't really get to know you well. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. If you are afraid you are the only one going through something, you almost assuredly are not.
Let's do something special here, men!