He has shown us what it means to have the heart of Jesus. For those of us who flip off drivers who cut us off in traffic, get angry at the person who is taking a long time at the cash register, desire to punch the snake at work who took our promotion, utter death threats towards our boss under our breath...think of Brandt Jean - and be ashamed.
Forgiveness is such an easy thing to talk about and to say we would totally be willing to do if we were in the situation, but when the time comes, could we? I dare say most of us could not. Brandt even went above and beyond.
I suggest you have your kids watch this, to see what a real man - regardless of his age - acts like. I do not think you will get a better example of action to words in this lifetime. This young man is what it means to be a hero.
Stand up, Brandt Jean, stand tall - you are a REAL man!