mailing list
Sign up for our mailing list! Every now and then we send a short, interesting email about one of any number of issues. To see examples, visit the Previous Emails page. You won't be inundated with emails - maximum once a month - and you will never be asked for money (that's not how we work!). You will be notified when special events are happening and be sent a short email once in awhile but not too many (I don't have THAT much time)! Go to the Contact page and let us know you want on the list.
I will be resurrecting the REAL DADS blog. It is called "Will the REAL Men Please Stand Up?". The main function of the blog is to find a variety of stories in the news involving men and commenting on them. Some are men acting like men, and some are men acting like...numerous unsavoury things. It's worth a read every now and then and perhaps a comment of your own.
in the news
Here are a variety of news stories involving dads. The difference between this and the blog is I don't comment on these ones! These are just for information purposes.
Here is your place to communicate with us. Go to the contact page to tell us what is on your mind. You can sign up for the email distribution list here, ask questions, provide feedback, give criticism - whatever you want. Just remember, there is a real person on the other end of the contact from!